Yù Píng Fēng Sàn

Commentary from the Yīfāng jíjiě 《医方集解》 1689 CE

【Indications – 主治】


1. 陽也者,衛外而為固也。陽虛不能衛外,故津液不固而易泄,且畏風也。此與傷風自汗不同,彼責之邪實,此責之表虛,故補散各異。

It treats incessant spontaneous sweating, qì deficiency with weakness of the exterior, easily susceptible to wind-cold [strike](1).

1. Regarding yáng, it defends the exterior and moreover it secures [the exterior]. If there is yáng deficiency then it is unable to defend the exterior, thus the jīnyè-fluids are not secured and easily leak, and in addition to fear of wind. This [pattern] and spontaneous sweating by wind damage at not identical, the latter is blamed on an excess evil, this is blamed on an exterior deficiency, that is difference between tonification and dissipation.

【Composition – 組成】

黃耆 炙  防風 一兩  白朮 炒二兩


Huáng qí (roasted), fángfēng each 1 liǎng

Báizhú (blast flied) 2 liǎng

【Formula Explanation – 方義】


These are foot tàiyáng, hand and foot tàiyīn herbs. Huángqí tonifies qì, specialises in securing the fleshy exterior, therefore it is the monarch herb. Báizhú governs boosting the spleen, the spleen governs the flesh, therefore it is the minister herb. Fángfēng eliminates wind, using a wind medicinal then [the wind] will suddenly leave, more over huángqí wèi zhī, therefore it is the courier herb. Because it supplements the wèi-defensive and secures the exterior, thus it is called Yù Píng Fēng (Jade Screen [Protecting from] Wind).

【Discussion of the formula – 方論】


Lǐ Dōngyuán said “Huángqí together with fángfēng increases the function greatly, this is the point of [using the herbal relationships of] fear and empowering.


The Criterion for Patterns and Treatments states: the pattern stroke and hemiplegia, has never been not caused by zhēn-true qì circulating which leads to this disease. Therefore huángqí must be the monarch herb, and fángfēng must be the minister herb, because huángqí assists the zhēn-true qì. Fángfēng enables huángqí to assist the zhēn-true qì around the whole body. It also has the treats wind with excellence, Xǔ Yìnzōng (of the Tang Dynasty) treated the Emperor’s mother for wind-strike with clenched jaw, [after] cooking the two herbs and then she]recovered. What could be comparable to taking this formula?

【Additional Formulas – 附方】


Using the three herbs in equal parts and fried, this is named Huángqí Tāng, Jiégǔ uses it as a substitute for Guìzhī Tāng. It treats spring-summer fevers with sweating, faint and weak pulse, aversion to wind and cold, if the aversion to wind is severe then add guìzhī.


Another use chuānxiōng, cāngzhú, and qiānghuó, in equal parts, and this formula is named Chuānxiōng Tāng, it can be substituted for Máhuáng Tāngit. It treats autumn and winter fevers, absence of sweating and aversion to wind-cold, if the aversion to wind is severe add máhuáng.