Zhīmǔ from Běncǎo Jīngjiě

Zhīmǔ from Běncǎo Jīngjiě 《本草經解》 (c. 1724 CE), attributed to Yè Tānshì 葉天士


Its qì is cold, flavour is bitter, not poisonous. It governs dispersion-thirst with heat in the interior, eliminates evil qì, puffy swelling of the body and limbs, watery diarrhoea, tonifies insufficiency, increases qì.


Zhīmǔ’s qì is cold, it is endowed with water qì of heavenly winter-cold, it enters the foot shàoyīn kidney channel. Its flavour is bitter and is not poisonous, it is virtued with the fire flavour of the southern direction, it enters the shàoyīn heart channel. The qì and flavour both descends, it is yīn.


The kidneys belong to water, the heart belongs to fire, when water cannot restrain fire, if fire scorches the jīn-fluids and yè-humours, then the disease of dispersion-thirst occur; if fire fumes the five internal [zàng-viscera], then the disease of heat in the interior will occur. [Because] it is bitter [flavour], and bitter clears heart fire, and cold enriches the kidney-water.


Regarding eliminating evil qì, its flavour is bitter-cold, so it is able to eliminate the dry and fire evil qì.


When heat is prevalent there will be floating, when fire is prevalent there will be swelling; bitter [flavour] is able to clear fire, cold [qì] is able to abate heat, therefore it governs puffy swelling in the limbs and body. The kidneys are the water zàng-viscus, their nature is to be averse to dryness. When there is dryness then opening and closing [of the bowels] is inhibited, and water will on the contrary accumulate; Zhīmǔ is cold and lubricating, it can lubricate and disinhibit the opening and closing [of the bowels] and then the water will naturally descend. Regarding tonifying insufficiency, the bitter-cold tonifies the insufficiency of cold-water. Regarding increasing qì, the bitter-cold increase the yīn qì of the five zàng-viscera.