ST36 and LR 3 足三里-太冲 by Wang Leting 王乐亭

ST36 and LR 3 足三里-太冲  by  Wang Leting 王乐亭 (1895 to 1984)

ST-36 is able to supplement blood, invigorate blood, cool blood and clear blood, and LR-3 is able to drain the liver and gallbladder, descend counterflow qi, regulate, free the menses, move qi, stop pain and also cool and invigorate the blood. When the two are paired together, they can calm the liver and descend counterflow, move blood and free the menses, cool and invigorate blood, course and free the qi mechanism of the liver and stomach, clear and regulate brewing heat of hte liver, stomach and gallbladder, it governs the treatment of painful menstruation, qi counterflow of the liver and gallbladder, dizziness and headache, vexation and tendency to anger, vomiting and retching, stomach pain, patterns that below to qi counterflow or stagnation or brewing heat, also patterns of rib-side pain, zang-zao (visceral vexation), mania and withdrawal, disharmony between the gallbladder and stomach, and oppression within the stomach.