六味地黃丸 Liùwèi dìhuáng wán [Part 2]

【加減 Modifications】



Doctor Qián’s methods of modifications
blood deficiency and yin debilitation, shúdì is sovereign;
essence efflux and dizziness, shānzhū is sovereign;
uriniation is copious or scant, or red or white, fúlíng is sovereign;
dribbling urination, zé xiè is sovereign;
heart deficiency with exuberant fire as to cause stasis of blood, dānpí is sovereign;
spleen and stomach deficient and weak, the skin is dry and rough, shānyào is sovereign.
For the herb that is sovereign, it is allocated 8 liǎng, while dìhuáng is allocated the dosage of minister.

【方義 Formula Explanation】


  1. 李時珍曰:伏火即陰火也。陰火即相火也。世人專以黃蘗治相火,不知丹皮之功更勝也。丹者南方火色,牡而非牝,屬陽故能入腎,瀉陰火,退無汗之骨蒸。
  2. 能濇精。
  3. 解見後註。

These are foot shǎoyīn and juéyīnherbs. Shúdì nourishes the yīn and tonifies the kidneys, generates blood and jīng/essence,shānzhū warms the liver to expel wind, astringes jīng and secures the qì, mǔdāndrains the latent fire of imperial and ministerial, cools blood and reduces streaming (of heat in the body) (1). Shānyào clears deficiency heat in the lungand spleen, tonifies the spleen and secures the kidneys (2). Fúlíng percolates the damp-heat within the spleen, and allows communication between the kidney and heart, zéxiè drains the water-evil in the bladder, and improves hearing and brightens the eyes (3). [This formula] can treat all the six conformations, moreover have a specific function on the kidneys and liver, without an inclination tocooling or drying, in addition to tonifying both the qì and blood. If oneconsumes it daily, the benefits [which one can enjoy] cannot be exhaustively described.

1. Lǐ Shízhēn says: latent heat is yīn fire. Yīnfire is ministerial fire. The common people specifically use huángbò (huangbai) to treat ministerial fire, but are ignorant of the efficacy of dānpí toovercome it. Dān, it is the southern direction and colour of fire, it is maleand not female, it belongs to yáng and can enter the kidney, draining the yīn fire,reducing the steaming bones without sweating.
2. To astringe the jīng/essence.
3. See explanation below. [This will come nextweek!]

Thanks to Leo Lok forhelp with two difficult phrases.

Part 3 will follow next week discussing more information about the formula.