六味地黃丸 Liùwèi dìhuáng wán [Part 3]


Some people say Shènqì Wán is the prescription to tonify water, this is because shúdì is used in order to greatly tonify the jīng/essence and blood. But they are ignorant that if jīng and blood are sufficient then true yáng will naturally be generated, moreover shānyào and [shan] zhūyú, both have the function of astringing the jīng and securing the qì, the qì, this is fire. Fire within water, this is called true yáng, and this prescription tonifies both water and fire, it is neither cold nor drying, though it appears ordinary, its [effects] are miraculous. Some people say Shènqì Wán is actually a formula for tonify the liver. The kidney is the mother of the liver, this is the significance of if the child is deficient then tonify the mother. The ancients said: for disease of liver and kidney, use one treatment to treat [both]. (My note, this is a continuation of the theory that kidney and liver have the same source).


[Wang] Áng explains: Shúdì in Shènqì Wán warms and dānpí cools, shānyào astringes and fúlíng percolates, shānzhū constrains and zéxiè drains. [The formula] tonifies the kidney and additionally tonifies the spleen, for tonification there must be draining, mutually harmonising and mutually beneficial, to construct a formula] that is balanced and tonifiying, this is the miraculous [effect] of common [formula], therefore, this is an effective formula that has remained unchanged throughout history. In regards to modifying, do not exceed one or two herbs, at most three or four herbs and then stop. People now days select excessive amount of tonifiying herbs from the Běncǎo, arbitrability modify [the formula], add tonifying but ignore draining [herbs], causing guests [auxiliary herbs] to overshadow the primary [herbs], the intended task [of the formula] becomes unfocused [in its effect], causing the function of Liùwèi to be decreased to a lower position, losing the original intent in the design of this formula. These are the errors of later generations of mediocre physicians.


Lǐ Shìcái (1588~1655, also known as Li Zhongzi) said: in prescribing this formula, there are four common errors, dìhuáng is not of Huáiqìng region thus it’s strength is inferior. [Dìhuáng] that is not steamed and dried 9 times then it is not shú [prepared (this is because in the formula preparation it says to do this)]. Some suspect the cloying [nature] of dìhuáng [is problematic] and reduce it, thus causing the efficacy of the sovereign [herb] to be weakened. Some dislike the draining [nature] of zéxiè and then reduce it, this then decreases the strength [of the formula], then they blame the inefficacy of the herb, is that not foolish?


Áng explains: zéxiè in the classic states sharpens the hearing and brightens the eyes, yet it is used to percolate damp heat of the lower jiāo. Once damp-heat is eliminated, then clear qì is able to ascend, therefore it is capable of nourishing the five zàng, it rises the yīn qì, tonifies vacuity detriment, ceases sensations that the head is spinning, also has the effect of sharpening the hearing and brightening the eyes, thus the ancient formula use it. Now days people are confused and doubt it, then they take excessive amounts of [zéxiè], then the kidney-water is excessively disinhibited causing clouded vision. Comply with combinations in the ancient formulas, and [prescribe] the appropriate dosage, do not wilfully add or subtract!

Thanks to Leo Lok for his help on paragraphs 2 and 3, any errors that remain are my own.